Saturday, 16 April 2011

A Friend Indeed?

I have a friend…. Let’s call him Peter S.

When I get up in the morning he is there and I wish him good morning while drinking my coffee, we spend a little time together before I go get ready for work and all I feel better for it.
I go to work and after a couple of hours, I again want to go spend some time with Peter, enjoy the company and then go about my merry way… knowing that Peter will be there when I want him to be… Thinking to myself “Yes, I am in control of this situation”…

Oh how wrong I am…

Yes, I smoke, and like so many other smokers, I am not an idiot, I know the risks but flagrantly throw caution to the wind and keep smoking… Why? Because, quite stupidly we have this ill founded love for smoking while having an inner conflict about the damage it is doing. So, in essence, by declaring that I’m not an idiot is actually a self-admission that I am an idiot.

Also, like so many other smokers, I have chosen to live life in deep contradiction… Until now.
I am beginning to make the comparison between a friend and a con artist… A real friend enriches your life, a con artist makes you believe he or she is… while they are kicking you in the nuts!

So, I have written Peter a letter:

Dear Peter,
I have enjoyed our time together, but I believe it’s time we part ways.
For everything I have invested in our relationship, I don’t really think you have given me anything in return, our relationship only leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and heavy chested.

Your gentle seduction will no longer have pull for me, as it did my mother. Your promise of relaxation I will see for what it actually is… A promise of ill fated times ahead.

No longer will you be a financial or social hindrance to me… I cast you aside.

Don’t get me wrong Peter, I will miss you, and I know there are tough times ahead, but I know, in time, I will wonder why I bothered with you in the first place.

So, in short, Peter,


Yours in exfriendship,


I will keep you posted on how I actually go with this...

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